Crown Jewel 2022 Promotion

2022 Crown Jewel Real-time Recap


WWE’s Saudi Arabia Supershow is Finally Here!

Time for your 2022 Crown Jewel real-time recap as WrestleLamia recaps all the matches from the WWE’s latest premium live event.

Michael Cole and Wade Barrett are calling the action tonight and the show starts off with what’s sure to be a riotous rematch from this year’s Royal Rumble:

2022 Crown Jewel Lesnar vs Lashley

Brock Lesnar vs Bobby Lashley

Lashley attacks Lesnar from behind before the bell even rings, Spearing him twice and Lesnar apparently suffering a knee injury (just how severe remains to be seen). Lashley Spears Lesnar through the security barrier then rolls Lesnar into the ring. A fourth Spear and a cover for a two-count. Lashley goes for the Hurt Lock but Lesnar counters into a German Suplex. Suplex City! Lesnar seems to have recovered already and hits an F-5. Cover for a near fall. Lesnar goes for another F-5 but he’s wobbly and Lashley escapes, clotheslining “The Beast” out of the ring. Lashley follows him out and rams Lesnar into the post. Lashley goes for the Spear but Lesnar counters into an F-5. No, Lashley slips out and counters into a spinebuster. Lashley sizes Lesnar for the Hurt Lock! It’s now applied in the center of the ring. Brock struggles to escape. Lesnar refuses to quit but he’s down on one knee now. The referee checks to see if Lesnar can respond but Brock is still in it. Lesnar gets to his feet and reaches the corner. Lesnar drives his feet into the corner and propels himself onto Lashley’s back, covering Bobby for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Brock Lesnar

An angry Lashley applies the Hurt Lock after the match, punishing “The Beast.” Folks, this one is not finished by any account. Bobby raises his hands in victory, even though he didn’t win.

2022 Crown Jewel Tag Team Match

Byron Saxton interviews the champions backstage when Bray Wyatt’s firefly logo shows up on a big screen backstage, momentarily rattling her.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match. Alexa Bliss and Asuka vs Damage-CTRL (Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky):

Alexa starts off strong, taunting her opponents before tagging in Asuka. Asuka squares off against Iyo with Asuka making a tag. Double suplex attempt but Iyo flips her way out, attacking both women. However, Alexa surprises Iyo with a bulldog. Tag to Dakota but another fast tag by the champions. Alexa and Asuka knock the challengers off the mat apron then deliver a double baseball slide to Kai and Sky. Asuka goes to the top rope but Iyo catches her with a dropkick to Asuka. Dakota follows up and targets Asuka’s knee. It looks like “The Empress of Tomorrow” landed on it wrong. Leglock on Asuka who escapes but Kai drags her to the corner then tags in Iyo. Dragonscrew maneuver to Asuka’s leg and “The Empress” is writhing in pain. Another tag to Dakota as he heels attempt a double team but Asuka sees a spot and takes out both opponents. Hot tag to Alexa. Meteora to Kai and another to Sky. Alexa is on fire! The fans cheer as Alexa continues with a Tornado DDT. Cover but Iyo breaks things up. Sky drags Kai to her corner and goes for the cover. Code Red to Sky as Alexa covers for a near fall on “The Genius of the Sky.” Alexa climbs to the top rope but Sky beats her to the punch. Kai climbs up for a double suplex but Asuka runs in and brings all three women down. Unfortunately, all three women are down. Alexa tags to Asuka who hits a missile dropkick on Dakota. Cover for a two-count. Flurry of strikes by Asuka to Kai. German Suplex by “The Empress” into a pinfall attempt but Kai kicks out. Kai throws Asuka into the corner and goes for the cover but Asuka kicks out. Tag to Alexa who goes to the top rope and goes for the Twisted Bliss but Sky distracts Bliss, giving Dakota time to escape. Asuka dispenses with Iyo at ringside. DDT on Dakota. Alexa goes to the top rope and goes for the Twisted Bliss. However, Nikki Cross interferes while the referee is dealing with Sky and Asuka, knocking Bliss off the top rope. Kai capitalizes and covers Bliss for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky

Steel Cage Match: Drew McIntyre vs Karrion Kross (with Scarlett):

A misstep by Drew allows Karrion with the opening to dish out plenty of punishment to Drew, no doubt serving the dual purpose of indulging his penchant for punishing foes and softening Drew up for when he wants to escape. Karion drives Drew into the cage then drives his boot into McIntyre’s neck. Kross trash talks Drew then whips him into the corner. However, Drew shoots out with a clothesline to Kross. “The Scottish Warrior” drives Kross into the cage not once but twice. Incredibly, both men get back up and start slugging it out. Michinoku Driver by Drew to Kross. Kross gets McIntyre in the Tree of Woe and Kross climbs to the top but Drew reaches up, throwing Kross from the top rope. Drew goes after Karrion only to walk into a running knee. Cover for a two-count. The battle continues as Drew hits a spinebuster. However, Kross counters, applying the StraightJacket. Drew counters, applying a sleeperhold of his own for good measure. Kross suplexes his way out with a Doomsday Saito as Scarlett encourages Kross from outside the ring. Karrion goes for the Kross Hammer but Drew evades him. Future Shock DDT. Drew signals for the Claymore as Scarlett gets on the mat apron, distracting Drew. Kross applies the KrossJacket. Krosshammer to Drew and “The Scottish McIntyre” goes down. Kross goes to escape the cage, climbing to the top. However, Drew climbs the cage, hitting a superplex on Kross. Drew signals for the door and goes to escape only for Scarlett to spray mace in Drew’s face and the referee’s face. Kross climbs to escape through the door but Drew grabs Karrion’s leg and applies the Ankle Lock. Kross escapes but walks into a Glasgow Kiss followed by a dropkick. Scarlett locks the door and steals the key as Scarlett taunts him, telling him he can’t win. Drew goes to climb over the cage as Scarlett scrambles to unlock the door. She unlocks the door but Drew escapes before Kross.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

Six-Man Tag Match The O.C. (A.J. Styles, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows vs The Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio, Finn Balor, and Damien Priest) with Rhea Ripley:

Finn Balor starts off against Karl Anderson (who Michael Cole identifies as the New Japan NEVER Openweight Champion). Tag to Damien Priest as “Doc” Gallows enters (with Cole mentioning Gallows’ New Japan championship achievements). Gallows gets the upper hand and tags in AJ who immediately gets stomped down by Priest. “The (self-professed) Greatest Mysterio Ever” asks Priest to tag him in but Dom doesn’t fare well and the O.C. take turns stomping Dominik down. Frequent tags by the O.C. as Mysterio’s woes continue. The fans cheer on the O.C. as they dismantle Dominik. Dominik wisely decides to take a breather, bailing out of the ring. Karl Anderson goes after Dominik only to walk into a big kick from Priest. Mysterio covers Anderson for a two-count. Tag to Priest as “The Archer of Infamy” hits a jumping elbow to Anderson. The Judgment Day see their opening and begin taking turns double-teaming Anderson with fast tags. However, they can’t get a three count…yet. Anderson fights to make the tag but he can’t make it as Judgment Day cut the ring in half. Priest takes a cheap shot on Gallows but Anderson sees his opening and hits a neckbreaker on Priest. Anderson goes for the tag but Balor yanks AJ off the mat apron and throws him into the stairs. Spinebuster to Priest. Tag to Gallows. Dominik tags in as Gallows clotheslines him. Priest runs in but “Doc” disposes of him. Flying tackle on Dominik. Gallows plants Dominik. The O.C. go for the Magic Killer on Dominik but Priest makes the save. Dominik runs in for the rollup on Anderson but fails to get the three-count. Another tag as Balor and AJ face off. Priest runs in again but can’t do anything as Styles is on fire. Neckbreaker on Balor. Styles goes for the Styles Clash but Finn escapes, throwing AJ into the corner. Styles rolls out for the Calf Crusher but Balor counters into a Figure Four Leglock. O.C. make the save. Gallows plants Dominik but Priest knocks “Doc” out of the ring. Balor goes after Styles, racing to the top rope. A.J. follows him up and goes for the superplex but Dominik holds onto AJ’s leg. AJ superplexes Finn as Anderson and Gallows drop Dominik and Priest as well. Rhea is watching in shock as AJ continues. AJ hits a forearm on Balor then goes for the Phenomenal Forearm. However, while the referee tries to maintain order, Rhea Ripley grabs Styles onto her shoulders, dropping him headfirst into the ring apron. Finn hits the Running Dropkick followed by the Coup De Grace. 1-2-3 it’s over for the O.C.

Winners: The Judgment Day

Braun Strowman vs Omos:

Omos’ manager MVP isn’t here thanks to “The Monster Among Monsters” destroying him on last night’s SmackDown. Will that give Strowman an advantage? The two stand face to face as Strowman tells Omos the entire nation of Saudi Arabia is behind him as the fans cheer. Omos shows off his hand as the fans boo. Test of strength as Omos gets the upper hand. Braun begins powering out but Omos knees him in the gut. “The Nigerian Giant” whips Strowman into the corner then splashes Braun, bouncing off the ropes and kicking Strowman down to the mat. The big man from Nigeria tells Strowman there’s only one giant in the WWE. Omos kicks Strowman in the ribs. Strowman catches Omos with a punch but can’t lift his opponent up. Omos slams Strowman effortlessly. Braun goes for another bodyslam but he can’t get Omos up and Omos headbutts. One-armed slam by Omos as Strowman goes down again. “The Nigerian Giant” steps on Strowman’s chest for a pin but doesn’t get a two-count. Omos slugs away at Braun in the corner. Strowman is being manhandled and dressed down. Strowman catches a cocky Omos as he’s trash-talking, unloading with “these hands.” Strowman bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline but Omos is standing. A second clothesline sends Omos over the top rope but the giant is on his feet. Strowman rolls out of the ring and charges at Omos with his Freight Train-like attack. However, Omos clotheslines him. Omos throws Strowman back into the ring. Omos charges at Braun in the corner but Strowman avoids him, lifting Omos up. Running powerslam and that’s all Braun needs to get the pinfall victory.

Winner: Braun Strowman

Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match. The Usos (Champions) vs The Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland and Butch):

The Brawling Brutes surprise the Usos early on, leading to Jey and Jimmy considering taking a powder and capitalizing on the champions’ advantage. However, Butch isn’t going to let them get away with a disqualification or count-out. The fans chant for Sami Uso but the Usos tell the Saudi fans the don’t deserve him. The Usos manage to gain control, beating down Butch until the former Pete Dunne tags in Ridge Holland. Holland powers his way through Jey and Jimmy with running charges and clotheslines. Holland lifts both Usos up, dropping them on their back. Cover on Jey but Uso kicks out. Ridge hits a running shoulder block on Jey outside the ring. Jimmy runs towards Ridge only to walk into a big right hand. The Brawling Brutes smash Jey’s arm on the steel steps, looking to do a number on Jey as The Bloodline did to Sheamus. Tag to Butch. Jey misses a superkick and Butch hits a moonsault for a near-fall. Superkick to butch and a tag to Jimmy. Uso Splash but Jimmy avoids it and locks in a fingerlock on Jimmy. Jimmy makes the blind tag and Jey takes out Butch. Double Uso Splash on Butch but Ridge Holland makes the save. Jey talks trash to Butch until Butch applies a fingerlock to Jey. Tag to Ridge who hits White Noise to Jey for a two-and-a-half count. Double-team on the Usos and a cover by Butch but Jimmy makes the save. A blind tag by Jey to Jimmy and Butch is caught unaware as the Usos deliver the 1-D for the win.

Winners: The Usos

“Last Woman Standing” Match for the RAW Women’s Championship. Bianca Belair vs Bayley:

The two start off by exchanging blows and Bianca knocks Bayley out of the ring, with “The Role Model” grabbing a kendo stick. She doesn’t get far with it and Belair throws Bayley out of the ring again as the referee makes the ten-count. Bayley answers it and looks for more plunder under the ring, finding a steel chair. Bayley swings at Belair but can’t hit her. The champion dropkicks the chair into Bayley, knocking her down. Bayley bails out of the ring again. This time, Bayley grabs a ladder. Bayley dives over the top rope, knocking Bayley down again and leading to the referee starting the count. Bayley gets up with plenty of time. Belair goes to slam Bayley onto the steps but Bayley escapes by grabbing “The -EST’s” ponytail, slamming her down to the floor. Suplex to Belair on the floor. The referee starts the count as Bayley grabs a chair and seats Bayley on it. Bayley climbs the barricade and delivers a running clothesline, knocking Belair out of the chair and onto the floor. Belair struggles to get to her feet but pulls herself up by the security barrier. Bayley grabs a table and sets it up as Belair tries to recover. The leader of Damage-CTRL tries to suplex the RAW Women’s Champion through the table but Bianca stops her. The two fight on the entrance ramp as Belair suplexes Bayley on the ramp. The referee counts both women as Bayley falls off the ramp and appears to have hurt her ankle (stop me if you’ve heard this one before). The referee checks on the fallen Bayley who jumps at Belair, surprising her after playing possum. Chair time as Bayley clobbers Bianca with the chair. Bayley goes to the top rope, closing in for the kill but Bianca throws the chair at her, stopping her momentarily. Wrestling’s “Role Model” quickly recovers, slamming Belair into the steps. Belair falls behind the steps as Bayley drops a ladder on her, trying to prevent Belair from answering the ten count. Belair escapes but Bayley clobbers her with a kendo stick. Another ten count begins but Belair escapes. Bianca lifts the steel steps and throws them at Bayley. Thankfully for Bayley, she avoids the flying steps. However, she doesn’t escape a spinebuster on the steel steps and barely answers the ten count. Bayley runs up the ramp as Belair chases her with a kendo stick. Perhaps overconfident, Belair stops for a moment, allowing Bayley to hit the Bayley-to-Belly on the ramp. Both women are down. The referee counts to nine as Bayley gets up and then collapses. More Bayley shenanigans as Bayley grabs a storage case and traps Belair in it. Belair escapes and throws the case toward Bayley who avoids it. Belair goes for the KOD but Bayley counters into a crossface. Crossface by Bayley. Is Belair out? The referee begins the ten-count. Belair gets up but where’s Bayley? She drives a golf cart towards Belair but Belair avoids it, dropkicking Bayley out of the driver’s seat. Bayley climbs to the golf cart’s roof and Bayley joins her. Belair stuns Bianca with Bayley on top of the cart. Belair drives Bayley down the ramp but Bayley stops her from vehicular assault. Nonetheless, Belair throws Bayley off the golf cart, sending Bayley onto the table. Bayley bounces off it. Belair lifts Bayley up, driving her through the table. Somehow Bayley gets up at nine. Bianca throws several chairs into the ring, slamming Bayley onto them. Belair places a chair on top of Bayley and goes for a moonsault, only for Bayley to roll out of the way. Bianca is down but uses the ropes to answer the ten count at nine. Bayley sets up the ladder as Belair slowly gets to her feet. Bayley drives a chair into the champion’s ribs and blasts Belair’s back repeatedly with the chair. Bayley sets the chair up and drives Belair’s head into the chair. Bayley goes to repeat this but Belair stops her and delivers a KOD, sending Bayley’s knee into the chair. Belair traps Bayley in the ladder, preventing “The Role Model” from escaping.

Bray Wyatt Segment

Bray Wyatt introduces himself to his fans telling him how he came from a great wrestling fan and how he had to be more than great; he had to be greater than all of them. The fans chant “Yes you are” as Bray responds he did just that, but he became a monster doing so. He wore that mask with pride and he no longer felt pain and no longer felt fear. He was completely untouchable. It felt good. Wyatt said some might say sensations like that are hard to quit. However, Wyatt reveals the monster he’d made himself into destroyed him, isolating himself from everyone who loved him. The fans chant “we love you.” Bray tells the fans they don’t love him, they love the idea of him. Bray tells them he doesn’t want to be remembered like that and that doesn’t have to be his ending. “My name is Bray Wyatt” Bray repeats. Uncle Howdy appears on the Titantron, asking Bray why wear a mask? Bray might fool the fans but he can’t fool him. Would the fans love Bray if they knew the real him? Uncle Howdy tells Bray that he’s going to go too far again and Bray will remember how good it will feel. Uncle Howdy suggests Wyatt even leave the mask on then asks, “Tell me I’m wrong.”

Winner: Bianca Belair

Crown Jewel 2022 Promotion

Undisputed Championship Match. Roman Reigns (Champion)vs Logan Paul:

Roman Reigns is surprised as the fans get behind Logan. Logan uses his amateur wrestling skills, surprising Roman with a waistlock takedown followed by a fireman’s carry. Roman takes his frustration out on Logan, slugging Paul and knocking him down to the ring. Paul goes for a right hand but Reigns slides out of the ring. Collar and elbow tie-up as Roman powers Paul into the corner and elbows him in the ribs. Reigns whips Paul into the ropes, hitting an elbow to the face. Suplex on Paul and Reigns covers Logan for a one-count. Side suplex but Paul backflips out, peppering Reigns in the gut. Reigns bounces off the ropes at Paul but Paul leapfrog over him and hiptosses him. Paul bounces off the ropes, clotheslining Roman over the top rope. Logan follows Reigns outside the ring with Paul hitting a high cross bodyblock off the security barrier. Paul flips into the ring and hits a Buckshot Lariat onto Reigns, covering him for a near-fall. Is Reigns taking Logan too lightly? Reigns throws Paul outside the ring but he lands on his feet. Paul does a springboard dive off the top rope and Roman catches him with an uppercut, flooring him. Reigns takes advantage of Paul being down, stomping and kicking as Logan crawls on the mat apron. Reigns hits a side suplex on Logan. Cover but Paul kicks out at one. Roman is having fun mocking the fans. Chinlock applied to Paul as Roman uses his strength and leverage. However, Paul gets to his feet and elbows his way out. “The Tribal Chief” powers Paul into the corner and unleashes a barrage of blows. Reigns covers Paul but again only gets a one-count. Reigns applies a chinlock, talking trash and saying there won’t be any more YouTubers coming into his ring. Paul answers back saying he’s just the start. Gut wrench suplex on Reigns but Paul doesn’t have the gas to cover him. Both men get to their feet and exchange blows. Paul hits a Blockbuster off the top rope but Reigns kicks out at two-and-a-half. Reigns kicks Paul in the gut and whips Logan into the ropes only for Paul to land a Superman Punch on Reigns. The challenger can’t cover Roman but kips up. Standing moonsault and a cover on Reigns for a two-count. Paul rallies the crowd as he signals for the superkick. Paul tunes up the band but Reigns grabs his boot, countering with a Rock Bottom for a near-fall. Both men are down and the referee checks on them. The Undisputed Champion goes for the Superman Punch but Paul dodges out of the way hitting “The One Lucky Punch.” Superman Punch by Paul and a cover, 1,2, …Reigns kicks out. Reigns finds the wherewithal to roll out of the ring. As fans know, Paul has to get Reigns in the ring for the 1-2-3 or submission. Paul uncovers the announcers’ table and puts Reigns on top. Paul grabs a camera and takes selfies. Paul goes to the top rope with his camera, taking selfies. Paul dives off, hitting a high-cross bodyblock on Reigns and putting “The Head of the Table” through the table. The Usos show up, checking on Roman. Jey and Jimmy go after Logan Paul’s entourage, taking them out. The Usos manhandle Logan’s two friends at ringside but can they do so with Jake Paul? Jake shows up and confronts Jey and Jimmy in the ring., Jake knocks both Jey and Jimmy down with two right hands, encouraging Logan to do his thing. “Finish it!” Logan goes to the top rope and hits a flying frogsplash. Cover but Roman kicks out at two. Solo Sikoa shows up and Jake is ready to take him out. WWE officials rush out and separate everyone as Logan returns to the ring. However, Reigns is waiting for Logan and hits a Superman Punch followed by the Spear, putting Logan away.

Winner: Roman Reigns

2022 Crown Jewel Realtime Recap

Be sure to share your comments on today’s show in our comments section. Don’t forget to check back at our YouTube channel as WrestleLamia provides our exclusive analysis of the show and a recap.

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